Welcome to Toowoomba Bushwalkers Club Inc.
Responsibilities for those Participating in Club Activities
All walkers, especially non- members and minors, should also refer to the by-laws.
- Walk/Activity Participants:
- All participants should recognise that they and other participants are engaged in this activity purely for their own enjoyment and pleasure.
- There is no compulsion involved, either physical, monetary, or otherwise, to participate. In doing so, participants agree to follow the Club rules, and these guidelines. Walkers are responsible for their own safety.
- Prior to the trip
- Participants should read the walk/activity description carefully (eg in the newsletter), take note of ratings and any special conditions pointed out before the walk.
- Participants are encouraged to self assess their skills and fitness levels realistically against any walk rating to ensure they are adequately fit and capable for the proposed activity.
- Participants should recognise that they may have physical, medical or other limitations which may a) restrict their ability to participate in an activity; b) place restrictions on the enjoyment of others or the performance of the group as a whole and; c) put themselves or others at risk during the trip. In such cases consult the walk leader before engaging in the activity concerned.
- Non Members must receive approval from the walk leader prior to the day of the walk/activity.
- Walkers are responsible to ensure that they are suitably equipped for the proposed trip (refer to the gear section)
- Participants should, if they have any doubts or questions about any aspect of the activity, check with the activity leader.
- On the day of the trip
- Arrive at the meeting place at least 10 minutes prior to the designated departure time.
- Sign the Walk Register, and any applicable Non Member (Visitor) forms, prior to the commencement of the activity.
- During the activity (with particular reference to walks)
- All participants are required to follow all reasonable directions of the walk/activity leader during a walk.
- Keep the person walking behind you in sight.
- Allow sufficient distance between yourself and the person in front so that you are not injured by branches flicking back.
- Do not allow yourself to be separated from the group. If this should happen, as soon as you become aware of it STOP WHERE YOU ARE. Blow your whistle to attract attention.
- Do not allow yourself to fall behind the nominated "tail-end Charlie" without first advising "tail-end Charlie", and making arrangements for rejoining the group.
- If experiencing any difficulty at all, such as blisters, difficulty in maintaining the pace, shortage of water, etc, immediately advise the leader or "tail-end Charlie".
- If you should dislodge a rock while on a slope, shout "rock" to warn others below you of the potential danger.
- Be aware of the universal alarm signal - three attention grabbers (eg three blasts on a whistle, three shouts, three "coo-ees", etc) - in case of danger, emergency, or if you should become lost, or separated from the group.
- Do not behave in any way that places at risk the health and safety of yourself or others.
- At the end of the walk
- Sign off on the walk register.
- Thank the leader for a great outing.
All Toowoomba Bushwalkers Club Inc. web pages are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.